LINGOAL Languages with media

by Brainglass Data



Lingoal can take your current language learning to a whole new level with authentic up-to-date media content: tweets, video, anime, news articles, e-books and soon even more types.The latest update includes: ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH, ITALIAN and SWEDISHUse Lingoal with its unique PERSONAL LEARNING PROFILES to make language learning fun, easy, fast and efficient!-- LOOKUPS --If you find a word you do not understand, tap on it for the integrated translation dictionary-- COLORS -- All text in Lingoal media is marked according to your Personal Learning Profile- GREEN are words you should already know on your skill level- YELLOW words you should learn right now- RED words you can learn later-- LEVELS --The scale used for the Personal Learning Profile is the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and its levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. Example: If you state level A2, Lingoal assumes that you want to learn all the words associated with this level (YELLOW). The app also assumes that you know all the words on all levels below the chosen (A1, GREEN). It also assumes that you still dont know any words on the levels above (B1-C2, RED). Naturally this is an approximation. You can always change the state of a word to other colors and it will show up correctly in any other media you are using in Lingoal. -- PERSONAL LEARNING PROFILE --You can launch a word test in all Lingoal media to exercise your vocabulary skills on the yellow words you are learning. When you take multiple tests for a word to prove that you know it, the word will change color state from yellow to green. This will add to your Personal Learning Profile.4 good reasons to download Lingoal:- Integrated dictionaries to many languages- Save words from texts you are reading to your personal word lists- Personalized content based on your personal interests - Gamification both with reading/learning points and activity monitoring where you can set personal daily goalsPrivacy Policy: of Use: